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Intro to Spotify for Artists

In our MusicHub Academy video, you’ll learn which advantages and useful features you can unlock by setting up your artist profiles, e.g. with Spotify for Artists.

Published on
December 7, 2022

MusicHub: Music distribution, promotion and rights management - all in one platform!

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Want to get your artist profile set up on the DSPs and verified to improve your reach? In this MusicHub Academy video, Maïa gives you a detailed rundown on artist profiles on DSPs, namely Spotify for Artists. You will learn about the tools you can unlock to promote your music even better, polish your artist brand and link to concert dates or fundraising campaigns.

The course covers:

  1. How to claim your Spotify for Artists profile
  2. Why your artist bio is important
  3. Links to your social media profiles
  4. Your visual/brand identity
  5. Adding an Artist Pick to your profile
  6. How to create a Promo Card
  7. Uploading a Spotify Canvas
  8. Adding more team members
  9. Adding a fundraising campaign link or a link to your merch

Want more info on promo, release campaign planning or playlist pitching? Sign up for MusicHub and subscribe to release unlimited and get access to all MusicHub Academy videos.

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