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Planning your release campaign

Learn how to plan your release with the right timings, a decent release campaign, pre-promo & more in our MusicHub Academy video.

Published on
December 6, 2022

MusicHub: Music distribution, promotion and rights management - all in one platform!

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On what day should you release your music? What’s the best timing? How can you craft a decent plan to prepare for your release? When should you communicate pre-release and what promo content should you prepare?

In this MusicHub Academy video, you’ll learn all that and much more. Allan will give you a rundown of a successful release campaign:

  • How to find out which day and time is best to release your music and post about it before and after release
  • How to thoughtfully plan out the activities and materials around the release date to slowly build momentum and push your release when it goes live
  • Which activities are useful to announce your release and maximise the amount of people who listen to it from the start
  • What details you should pay attention to in your materials, posts and activities

Want more knowledge on promo, playlist pitching and more? Sign up for MusicHub and subscribe to release unlimited and get access to all MusicHub Academy videos!

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