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Artist Story: Christin Henkel - Munich's Eisbach meets neo-classical music

The accomplished composer, known for her work in piano cabaret chanson, is now exploring a completely different genre with her first neo-classical release. Here, she tells us what inspired her in the sub-zero temperatures of Munich's Eisbach.

Published on
February 16, 2024

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What is your band/artist name? Can you tell us a bit about the genesis of your project?

Christin Henkel - that's me. I'm a composer and have mainly been on the road as a singer-songwriter in recent years. Now I have my first Neo Classical release.

How did you get into music and what were/are your influences?

I started playing the piano when I was 5 years old. My father is a guitarist and we often made music together. It was always clear to me that I wanted to do this professionally.

Which partners / artists have inspired / accompanied you on your path and how?

I've always been interested in a wide range of genres and have therefore had a wide variety of role models and experiences. Claude Debussy has influenced me just as much as Helge Schneider.

How would you describe your music or your sound?

There is always a story behind my compositions. I can't start writing without a story. And my lyrics are primarily funny to black humour.

What has been your most formative experience in your career so far?

The most formative time for me was the corona period. The year before lockdown was going really well and I had so many great things in my diary. I didn't cope well with the fact that everything was suddenly on hold for +/- 2 years. As I'm someone who draws inspiration from offline experiences and interpersonal interaction, I didn't have any particular artistic ideas during this time.

Can you tell us about the highs and lows of your musical career? How did you overcome them and what did you learn from them?

Since I've been making music, it's been a constant up and down, especially emotionally, because you reveal a lot about yourself. I've had years where everything went great, great works were created and fantastic things happened. In contrast, I've also had many lows where I was neither creative nor successful. What I've learnt in the meantime is to make the most of the highs and try to create as much as possible, connect with colleagues and take the good vibe with me. I've also learnt to accept that the down phases are part of the process.

How did you come across MusicHub and why did you choose our platform?

I was convinced by the fact that MusicHub is connected to GEMA. The customer support is also really good. So far, I've received a helpful and quick answer to every question.

Tell us more about your latest MusicHub release.

In recent years, I've only released songs and albums as a songwriter. As a composer, I've only ever worked behind the scenes for theatre, film and orchestra. Now, for the first time, I'm releasing an instrumental piece from the neo-classical genre. The composition is called "Eisbach im Schnee". I am a passionate ice swimmer and was inspired by the cold and the wintry magic of Munich's Eisbach. I captured the sound design in sub-zero temperatures in the English Garden, above and below the water.

What goals do you still want to achieve? What are your plans for the future?

The best thing about my job is that I almost exclusively do things that I enjoy. I want to continue to be behind the projects I compose or write lyrics for and work with lots of inspiring, creative people.I aim to continue my artistic development and minimize distractions from the often stressful "trappings.”

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